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AnubisMed Mesotherapy

Professional results thanks to the high concentration of latest generation active ingredients, with growth factors and biomimetic peptides that provide the maximum efficiency in all treatments.

Only Users in the Professional group can purchase the mesotherapies and skin pens.

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Cocktail with Vitamin C, DMAE, and Hydrolyzed Elastin that stimulates fibroblast activity and directly increases the production of collagen and elastin,...
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Anti-aging cocktail with a high content of hyaluronic acid and more than 50 active ingredients that increase cell proliferation and the synthesis of...
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It is suitable for the treating of the general pigmentation disorders in the skin. With a brightener effect and a whitening action due to the action...
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Lipolytic, reducing and firming cocktail, formulated with caffeine (5%) and centella asiatica that, combined specifically, treat the three phases of...
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Capable of maintaining the highest levels of natural hydration and healing. Impurities, dust or makeup residue are effectively removed, leaving the skin...
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